Finally, you are going to present your Computational Thinking Project today. We will follow the order in this Google Doc. Your presentation should include:
Subject area / teaching topic / grade level
Learning objectives
Learning activities
Your Scratch programming
Your considerations of integrating computational thinking
Your considerations of principles of meaningful learning or UDL
Each group has 5 minutes (4 min presentation plus 1 min Q&A). For the Q&A part, we will have a designated group to ask a question just in case nobody is asking any questions. For example, when group 1 is presenting, group 2 should be thinking about what questions to ask them, then group 3 will prepare a questions for group 2, and so on.
Tentative Plan for Next Two Weeks:
11/04: Computational Thinking Project presentation (post #3 due)
11/06: Q sort results and discussion
11/08: Critical thinking and data literacy
11/11: Critical thinking and data literacy
11/13: Critical thinking and data literacy (Post #4 due)
11/15: Critical thinking and data literacy
1. Before class, November 6th, complete the Google Form about your interview plan. Take a look at Genius Hour project Post #4 instructions, make a schedule with your interviewee, prepare your interview protocol, leave enough time to conduct the interview and writing up the pos, which is due on November 13th.