Check-in with your project progress:
- How was the independent work day going?
- Is it OK that the project will be due by midnight Wednesday, October 30th?
Step-by-Step Learning Activities (Lesson plan templates and project rubrics. ):
You have your major activity (with scratch) almost finished. Now you need to consider how to bring this activity to your students in a way that they can understand and be engaged. It's still important to keep in mind the principles of Meaningful Learning and perhaps UDL as well.
A complete lesson usually consists of at least these major steps:
Warm-up: Activate students' background knowledge or prior experience; arouse students' interest in this class.
New concepts: Introduce the new content of this class, built up on or connecting to what they already know.
Practice: Provide different ways for students to practice the new knowledge they just learned.
Conclusion: Debrief the major points in this class, or give students time to reflect what they have learned.
1. CT project due by midnight Wednesday, October 30th??
2. Work on your Genius Hour project Post #3, due before class, November 4th, Monday.
PS. How to add citations from Google Scholar and UGA library: