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Samples of Work

AERA 2020 Proposal

My pilot Q study "Understand College Students' Perceptions of Frustrations in Collaborative Group Work: A Q Methodology Approach" was conducted with the UNIV 1205E students in Spring 2019, which was also my final project for the Q Methodology course I was taking with Dr. Rieber at that time. I wrote a conference proposal with the data collected and it was accepted by AERA 2020, which was scheduled to take place in San Francisco in April. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic as we all know, the conference was finally canceled. But the submission was still legitimate and I was provided with an official citation of it. 

Book Chapter for ID in Higher Ed

I co-authored a manuscript with a fellow doctoral student Meimei Xu for a book edited by Stefaniak, Conklin, Oyarzun, and Reese - A Practitioner's Guide to Instructional Design in Higher Education. Our contribution is to introduce Q methodology to evaluation in higher education. We discussed the usefulness of Q methodology and an outline of how do conduct evaluation using Q methodology step by step. The manuscript was accepted and is currently under review and waiting for the next steps.  

ERSH 8610 Term Paper Version 1.0

This is a preliminary draft of my term paper for ERSH 8575 Theories of Educational Measurement. I'm taking this course to understand better the quantitative aspect of Q methodology. We have extensively discussed validity and reliability issues in measurement and different theoretical models of testing. I chose to write about the controversies regarding the validity and reliability of Q methodology studies, in the hope of finding the best practices to ensure validity and reliability for myself and other novice researchers. 

QUAL 8525 Final Narrative Project

I took the Narrative Analysis course in the summer of 2020. By that time, I have accumulated more than 10 interviews about students' collaborative learning experiences. I selected 3 interviews where the participant provided the most interesting details and compelling stories. However, I did not attempt to integrate these narratives with the Q sort results because the selected interviews were not conducted in the same data collection process. In the narrative analysis, I tried to include the interviewees' original words as much as possible in order to reflect their own feelings and opinions, although I know it's impossible not to bring in my own subjectivity. 

QUAL 8410 Interview Project Report

My final project for QUAL 8410 Designing Qualitative Research was basically the qualitative part of my Q study. I conducted three interviews with three students in EDIT 2000 after the Q sort activity on frustrations on collaboration. When reporting the preliminary findings of the interview data, I related them to the factors that emerged from the Q sort. In other words, I tried to construct some group profiles using the experiences and perspective of the intereviewees. 

EDIT 2000 Teaching Website

I got a valuable opportunity to teach EDIT 2000 in Fall 2019 and continued to teach it as an instructor of record for three semesters now. The first year was totally face to face until the corona pandemic hit in March 2020, when we had to suspend instruction for two weeks and then transferred online for the last four weeks of the semester. For the fall semester of 2020, I taught the course in a hybrid format to allow students the highest flexibility. To minimize the risk of covid-19, we negotiated to hold class meetings every Tuesday and the students had independent work on Thursdays. The students were free to join Tuesday's class meetings in person at Aderhold Hall or remotely. 

Instructional Design: UNIV 1205E

UNIV 1205E Introduction to Online Learning is a totally new course in the Devision of Academic Enhancement and the instructor was new to online teaching as well. The topics of the courses were pre-determined before I joined the team. Half of the modules were adapted from the instructor's previous teaching materials, and I created many of the other modules from scratch, for example, "commonly used digital learning tools", "Building online learning community (with Flipgrid)", "Addressing online learning frustrations", etc. Click the "read more" the button to see the lesson plan of a sample module.

EDIT 7170 Informal learning Unit

For the informal learning assignment in EDIT 7170 Advanced Instructional Design, I decided to design a blog website about how to travel with a dog with fun and comfort. It's intended for dog owners who rarely traveled with their dogs because they dread the trouble, or they don't have enough information or other reasons. I adopted a very very informal style, not only because it is designed for informal learning but also because what I'm presenting are very personal experiecens. 

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