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02/09 Tools Faire

1. A few common Issue related to portfolio website:

- Embedding Google Doc/slides: Don't forget to change the privacy setting in Google Doc/Slides. Click "share" --> choose "anyone with the link can view (viewer)".

- Publish your website every time you update it.

2. Tools Faire

We'll do the tool commercial presentations in breakout rooms. You just need to take turns to demonstrate your project (whatever form it is) and demonstrate how to use the tool. Think about how you can to "sell" your tool to your audience.

Each one of you will take 3-4 minutes to present and 1-2 minutes for Q&A. When it is your turn, you just need to share your screen. If you have video to play during presentation, don't forget to check "share computer sound".

Breakout Rooms:

- Room 1: Max, Abi Swanson, Davia, Smael, Lety, Brynne, Ella, Jenna

- Room 2: Abby Shainberg, Tye, Elena, Sophie, Heymish, Dennis, Emmie, Isabella

Facilitators (Late Pass opportunity):

We'll need a facilitator for each room to help keep the presentations going. Facilitators will also share some highlights from their group when we debrief as a whole class. Anyone would like to volunteer?


Highlights from each breakout room? Any problems or issues?

3. Put It All Together

- 7 ISTE standards for students

- 5 characteristics of Meaningful Learning for Technology

- 3 guidelines of UDL

Creativity Challenge:

  • Think about one of the concepts we have learned so far in this course. It could be a big concept (e.g. technology integration, meaningful learning with technology, UDL, etc), or it could be a small concept (e.g. authentic learning, digital citizen, engagement, etc.). It could also be connections between these concepts.

  • Then create something tangible to express the ideas of this concept that you choose, using items that you can find in everyday life, including but not limited to cereal boxes, used magazine, tissue, cotton swabs, construction paper, clippers, straws, cords, glue, staples, markers, color pencils, playdoh...

  • Try to do this within half an hour. It doesn't have to be perfect. It's more about your ideas. But I won't mind if you feel so engaged that you want to spend more time on it :)

  • Demonstrate your artifact and explain what you try to express with it, what materials you have used to create it, and why you make it that way in this FlipGrid: Or scan the QR code if you are using your phone to record:


By Thursday 02/11, office hour:

1. Sign up for check-in meeting this Thursday

By next Tuesday, 02/16, before class:

2. Read the following articles:

3. Creativity Challenge. See instructions above.


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