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04/27 Course Faire & Bitmoji Classroom
1. House Keeping - Check your grades on eLC. Let me know if there are any mistakes. All assignments are due by May 04th. I'll upload...
04/20 Data Literacy Project
Data Literacy Project You have finished a draft of course syllabus. I'll provide feedback today and tomorrow. For today's class, you will...
04/13 Scratch Presentation & Critical Thinking
1. Scratch Group Project Presentation Now it's the time to showcase your project! 2. Critical thinking Group Discussion Discuss in small...
04/06 Scratch Project (Continued)
1. EDIT Courses Looking for course next semester or next year? Here are some other EDIT course you might be interested: EDIT 4000 Special...
03/30 Scratch Project (Group Work Time)
1. Update What is your big idea for your Scratch group project? What is your goal for today's group work time in class? What questions do...
03/23 Scratch Project
1. Book Project link All projects have been combined into a whole book: "Online Collaborative Learning Activity Book" in our Book Creator...
03/16 Computational Thinking
1. Reflecting on the Book Project How much do you enjoy working on the project? How many of the frustrations we have discussed happened...
03/09 Book Project: Group Work Time
1. Project update Where are you now? What is your next step? What questions or challenges do you have? 2. Group Work Time You'll have...
03/02 Maker Faire & Collaboration Project
1. Maker Faire We'll do the Maker Faire presentations the same way as the Tools Faire. You'll take turns to present in breakout rooms....
02-23 Communication & Collaboration
1. ISTE standards on communication & collaboration Global Collaborators: Students use digital tools to broaden their perspectives and...
02/16 Creativity & Makerspace
1. House Keeping - Grades for the Tool Commercial Project and UDL redesign were posted on eLC. Please check your grades and let you know...
02/09 Tools Faire
1. A few common Issue related to portfolio website: - Embedding Google Doc/slides: Don't forget to change the privacy setting in Google...
02/02 Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
1. House Keeping - Tool Commercial Project: sign up here, if you haven't done so. What is your progress? Any questions or challenges? -...
01/28 ISTE Standards & Meaningful Learning with Technology
1. ISTE Standards There are all together 7 components in the ISTE Standards for students: empowered learner, digital citizen, knowledge...
01/19 Portfolio Setup
Before class: Explore Slack: (Join our class's workspace in Slack if you haven't done so! Click on this shared link to join us.) Complete...
01/14 Welcome!
Before class: Join Slack! Click on this shared link to join our class' workspace on Slack. Once you're in, please complete your profile...
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