Grades posted on eLC
I have posted the grades for the Maker project and updated the grades of earlier assignments. Please check your grades. Talk with me if you have any questions about your grade.
Become a curator of Scratch Studio
I just found out that the best way for you to access our Scratch studio is to add you as the curators. I'll need your username to send you an invite. Then you need to go to the studio (when you have logged in) and accept the invitation. This way, the studio should appear in "my stuff" and you can add projects to it like I do.
Coding challenges
I have demonstrated how I created the "Random Name Generator". Now you will work with your group members to take the following coding challenges based on this project:
If you want the fish to say who is selected in a full sentence (not just the name), something like "Xigui is luckily selected. Congratulations!", how do you make this happen? (HINT: you need to use variables)
After the fish says "Xigui is luckily selected. Congratulations!", switch to another backdrop where another sprite (of your choice) appears and the fish hides. That means the new sprite is hidden on the first backdrop and only appears on the second one.
Now you have probably found that everything is not in their original place or state when you restart the project. How do you fix that?
How do you make the new sprite to count from 1 to 100?
Computational Thinking group project:
Here is the Sign up sheet with requirements for the group project.
You have formed your team and decided on the topic, now take a few minutes to discus with your partners about what kind of project you can make on Scratch for that topic. Should it be a game, an animated story, a quiz, or other forms? You may search on Scratch for similar topics to get some ideas.
It is ok to borrow ideas from others, but you should remember to give them credits. I trust you all understand the UGA honesty policy. I'll emphasize that it is definitely NOT ok to copy almost everything from other existing projects.
Homework: (2nd remix due on Monday, Feb 24th)
Your second remix should be chosen from:
Option 2: If you already know the basics but not quite comfortable using it, try remixing one of the starter projects.
Option 3: If you are an advanced Scratch user, explore some of the more complex projects and remix one of them.
Important Note: Whichever option you choose, this will be a graded assignment, worth 2 points. When you finish this individual remix practice, share your project to our studio EDIT2000_Yang (Class A). When you are sharing it, remember to Indicate your name in the title, and make notes about the changes your have made (see screenshot below).