1. Book Project link
All projects have been combined into a whole book: "Online Collaborative Learning Activity Book" in our Book Creator library. You can embed the published book link to your own portfolio: https://read.bookcreator.com/8LSNNFTqJkUqHaEmSeexzpUcAsL2/Ah7y5Ss2TJewTw_OvqEG_w
You can also download it as eBook and view it in Adobe Digital Editions or iBooks.
2. Unplugged Computational Thinking
3. Join our Scratch studio: EDIT2000_Spring 2021
First, If you haven't done so, create a Scratch account. And then login to Scratch.
Click the link to our studio: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/29072465/ .
The studio called "EDIT2000_Spring 2021". Follow it.
Wait for me to invite you to be a curator of the studio.
Go to your messages, you will see a message saying "xiguiyang2017 invited you to curate the studio EDIT2000_Spring 2021. Visit the curator tab on the studio to accept the invitation".
Click "curator tab", and you will see a message "You've been invited to become a curator of this studio. Click here to accept."
Click to accept. Now you are a curator of the studio and can add your projects to it.
3. Quiz on the CS50 Video:
1. What is pseudocode?
A. Computer code that contains bugs or doesn't work.
B. Text-based description of computer code that can help express the programming process.
2. Match the 4 screenshots the 4 terms below:
A. Function
B. Loop
C. Boolean expression
D. Conditions
4. Scratch Coding Challenges
Events, broadcast, conditions, variables: Falling balls
Variables and events: Random Name Generator
Broadcast: Creating Christmas Decorater
Conditions & Variables: Catch This
you will create a Scratch project appropriate for K-12 students. It can be something related to the K-12 curriculum (you may refer to Georgia Performance Standards to get some ideas) or something related to their daily lives (for example, how to wear a mask correctly, a story from children’s books). Talk with your group about what topic you might want to work on. Then think about what form you might want it to be (games, stories, quizzes, music, art, etc). Whatever form it is, it should be a complete self-contained project without bugs.
Project Timeline:
03/23: Touch base in class
03/30: Group work time in class
04/04: Group project update
04/06: Group work time in class
04/08: Scratch project + project description
04/08: Peer evaluation
04/13: Group Presentation
Homework: (Due before class, Tuesday, 03/30)
1. Meet your teammates out of class
Meet your group members at least once to make sure you are on the same page. Discuss further what you want to do for the Scratch group project, how you communicate with each other, what you want to achieve before next Tuesday's class.
If you have any questions, you can post them in the Slack channel #scratch-project or send me direct messages.
2. Scratch Remix Projects (Individual)
You will have TWO Scratch remix projects, counting towards your grade. Choose one of the options, depending on your familiarity with Scratch:
Option 1: If you are still not quite comfortable using Scratch, try remixing TWO of the starter projects.
Option 2: If you are confident in your Scratch coding skills, explore and remix TWO of the more complex projects.
Important Note: This will be a graded assignment, worth 4 points (2 points for each remix). When you finish a remix project, share it to our studio EDIT2000_Spring 2021. When you share it, remember to Indicate your name in the title, and make notes about the changes your have made (see screenshot below).