1. Where we left off last class:
2. The Marshmallow Challenge
Today we'll going to do some creative work collaboratively, the Marshmallow Challenge: build the tallest free-standing structure with marshmallow and spaghetti.
Time: 18 minutes
Group size: 3-4 people
20 sticks of spaghetti,
one yard of tape,
one yard of string,
and one marshmallow.
The entire marshmallow must be on top.
Use as much or as little of the kit as you wish. It is OK to cut the spaghetti, string, or tape.
You may not touch the structure in any way when time is called. All structures must remain standing until all structures have been measured and a winner declared.
Now let's debrief the marshmallow challenge:
- explain why you built it that way and how you came up with ideas.
- A TED talk about the marshmallow challenge: https://www.ted.com/talks/tom_wujec_build_a_tower?language=en#t-392504
3. Boost your creative confidence
- Watch this video first to get an idea of creative confidence.
- Do you need a late pass to excuse an absence or get more an extension for your projects? Here is an opportunity to earn a late pass - Creativity challenge. Here are a few ideas about how to boost your creative confidence by practicing creativity in daily life:
Do things differently than you normally do. For example, sit at a different spot in class, cook your food differently, take a different route home, etc.
Think of new ways to use everyday items. For example, how many different ways can you think of to use paper clips?
Make new things out of things you might throw away.
Try out new things that you have never done before.
And so many other ideas...
1. Work on your Tool Commercial Project (Due Friday before class, presentations will be next week).
2. To earn a late pass, choose a way to practice your creativity (not necessarily from the ideas above). Share with me how you are doing it and how you are feeling via Remind app with pictures/videos by Wednesday, September 18th.