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09-13 Get prepared for project presentation

Before we get to the details of presentation requirement, we'll debrief the UDL assignment together. And then if we have time left, you may take the time to polish your project and get prepared for the presentation.

1. Debrief the UDL challenge scenarios:

The grading for UDL challenge scenarios is done. Now let's share some of your stories in class:

2. Tool Commercial Project presentation

Tools Fair style:

- Each person will take a display on the wall and introduce the tool to the audience.

- Every 5 minutes, the audience will move to a different project.

- You'll rate your peers' projects and presentations via the padlet.

Order: Sign-up for the presentation order in the padlet. (Scan the QR code if you are using your phone.)

- #1-6 present on Monday, #7-12 present on Wednesday, #8-17 present on Friday.


-For presentation, you don't have to connect your computer using HDMI cable. We have some fancy technology in our classroom. Let's try it out:

  • Download Mersive Solstice App and install it.

  • Open the app, and go to settings, enter your name and the solstice discovery service address:

  • Choose the discovered displays for our classroom

  • Enter the code at the bottom of the display, then you are connected!

- If you have everything you need for presentation on your project page of your portfolio, you may present from the classroom computer.


1. Get prepared for the Tool Commercial Project presentation next week.

2. To earn a late pass, choose a way to practice your creativity (you may consider the ideas listed below). Share with me how you are doing it and how you are feeling via Remind app with pictures/videos by Wednesday, September 18th.

- Here are a few ideas about how to practice creativity in daily life:

  • Do things differently than you normally do. For example, sit at a different spot in class, cook your food differently, take a different route home, etc.

  • Think of new ways to use everyday items. For example, how many different ways can you think of to use paper clips?

  • Make new things out of things you might throw away.

  • Try out new things that you have never done before.

  • And so many other ideas...


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