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09-16 Tools Fair

Before class:

- Make sure you have signed up in this padlet.

- Make sure your project link there is accessible, i.e. if it is a Google file, make sure it is set as "anyone with the link can view".

Tools Fair:

Today, we'll have the first 6 projects presented. We will rotate every 5 minutes until the audience have visited all 6 projects. So both the presenters and the audience will be busy!


- Get your project ready on the Solstice display. (If it does not work, just use your own laptop.)

- Demonstrate your project and the tool to the audience and answer their questions


- Listen to the presentations carefully, make comments and ask questions.

- Rate the projects on Padlet, based on how familiar the presenters are with the tool and how well they demonstrate it to you. The most highly rated project will be the winner today.

Tentative plan for the next few weeks:

09/16 -- 09/20 Finishing up Tools fair

  • Each class, we'll take the few minutes left to introduce the Genius Hour Project

09/23 -- 09/27 Makerspace Project

  • 09/27 Field trip to the Makerspace at the science library.

09/30 -- 10/04 Computational thinking

10/07 -- 10/11 Computational thinking

A little preview of the Thanksgiving week: we will have no class for EDIT 2000 for the whole week; you will take the time to work on your projects.

Genius Hour Project Intro:

- What is Genius Hour? Here is an overview video. Or this shorter video

- What is Genius Hour project like in EDIT 2000?

  • The Genius Hour project is a really open-ended project, where you research about a topic you are passionate about, as long as it can be connected to Learning, Design, and Technology.

  • It will be an individual project. But if you found out you have very similar interests in a certain topic with other students, you may work in groups.

  • You will blog about your progress and reflect critically.

  • You will also present your project to the whole class.

  • We'll talk more about the details in future classes.


1. Search the internet to learn what Genius Hours is. Watch this video to learn more about Genius Hour.

2. Think about what topics you might what to explore for the Genius Hour and be ready to share it next class.

3. To earn a late pass, choose a way to practice your creativity (you may consider the ideas listed below). Share with me how you are doing it and how you are feeling via Remind app with pictures/videos by Wednesday, September 18th.

- Here are a few ideas about how to practice creativity in daily life:

Do things differently than you normally do. For example, sit at a different spot in class, cook your food differently, take a different route home, etc.

Think of new ways to use everyday items. For example, how many different ways can you think of to use paper clips?

Make new things out of things you might throw away.

Try out new things that you have never done before.

And so many other ideas...


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