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09-23 Genius Hour Project

Before class:

1. Complete the EDIT Certificate Survey. You can find more information the certificate here.

2. Read Stager, G. (2017). Unconventional wisdom about the maker movement.District Administration, 6-10.

One last Tool Project to be presented today.

Genius Hour Project Brainstorming:

- Share with your group what potential topics you are going to explore. If you haven't had a clear idea yet, skim the following two reports to see if there is something interesting to you.

Here are some sample topics explored by previous EDIT 2000 students:

  • Bridging the technology gap in teaching

  • Advantages and disadvantages of online learning

  • How can AI facilitate education?

  • How can technology be used in special education classrooms?

  • What motivates children to learn STEM?

  • How can technology improve school safety?

  • Standardized test cheating scandals

- Discuss with your group why you are interested in your topic, how it is related to Learning, Design, and Technology.

- Give each other suggestions or recommendations. Refine your topic if necessary.

- On an index card, write down your name, your topic, and a brief explanation.

Creating a Genius Hour Page:

- Add a new page "Genius Hour" to your portfolio site and publish it. It's an empty page now. You'll add 5 blog posts to it throughout the semester.

- What we have discussed just now will help you write the first post. See more details about the Genius Hour Project.

- Start your research as soon as possible.

MakerSpace Field Trip:

  • Time: Wednesday, September 25

  • Location: Room 381, Science Library

  • I'll send reminders via Remind on Wednesday morning.


- Select another reading from the District Administration Special Report to learn a bit more about maker education.

- Check out this link to all of the references to maker education on the Barrow Elementary School Media Center blog written by Andy Plemmons, the school library media specialist.

- Keep your Genius Hour Project in mind and start your research as soon as you can. The first blog post will be due after mid-term.


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