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*09/29 Creativity

1. House Keeping

1) UDL Redesign: As I indicated in the Slack announcement on Sunday, your submissions only talked about the suggests and didn't include the part of analysis. Please discuss with your group again and update your submission by Friday, 10/02.

Please repost it in the same Slack channel #udlredesign. Kudos to Group 1, who have already done that!

2) Genius Hour Project: Your Genius Hour Project topics cover an interesting range of topics. I saw no big issues and I look forward to it. The next step is to finish the first post (DUE Friday, 10/02).

2. A little reflection:

Why are we doing Genius Hour Project? What ISTE standard(s) is it related to?

--- Knowledge Constructor: Students critically curate a variety of resources using digital tools to construct knowledge, produce creative artifacts and make meaningful learning experiences for themselves and others.

  • Students plan and employ effective research strategies to locate information and other resources for their intellectual or creative pursuits.

  • Students evaluate the accuracy, perspective, credibility and relevance of information, media, data or other resources.

  • Students curate information from digital resources using a variety of tools and methods to create collections of artifacts that demonstrate meaningful connections or conclusions.

  • Students build knowledge by actively exploring real-world issues and problems, developing ideas and theories and pursuing answers and solutions.

3. Review of Meaningful Learning and UDL with Kahoot

4. Creativity

What is creativity? How do you define it in your own words? In what ways are you creative?

We'll share our thoughts on a Padlet wall.

Creativity Challenge:

  • Think about one of the concepts we have learned so far in this course. It could be a big concept (e.g. meaningful learning with technology, UDL, etc), or it could be a small concept (e.g. authentic learning, digital citizen, engagement, ect.).

  • Then create something to express the ideas of this concept that you choose, using items that you can find in everyday life, including but not limited to cereal box, used magazine, tissue, cotton swabs, construction paper, clippers, straws, cords, glue, staples, markers, colorful pencils, playdoh...

  • Try to do this within half an hour. It doesn't have to be perfect. But I won't mind if you feel so engaged that you want to spend more time on it :)

  • Demonstrate your artifact and explain what you try to express with it, what materials you have used to create it, and why you make it that way in this FlipGrid: You may scan the QR code below if you are using your phone to record:


1. (DUE by Friday, 10/02) Make sure you group has resubmitted the UDL redesign assignment.

2. (DUE by Friday, 10/02) Post your first post of Genius Hour Project to your portfolio webpage.

3. (DUE by next Tuesday, 10/06, before class) Creativity challenge on FlipGrid (see instructions above).

4. (DUE by next Tuesday, 10/06, before class) Review ISTE standards, Meaningful Learning, and UDL, to see what they have said about creativity. We'll share this in class next week.

5. DUE by next Tuesday, 10/06, before class) Read Stager, G. (2017). Unconventional wisdom about the maker movement.District Administration, 6-10. (For now, just read pages 6-10).

6. (DUE by next Tuesday, 10/06, before class) Complete this Survey about a potential virtual field trip to the MakerSpace at UGA Science library.


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