1. Mid-Term Course Evaluation
Thank you all for taking the time to complete the survey. I really appreciate the positive support and genuine suggestions.
Things that work well: meeting once a week, course website, course organization, clear due dates, Slack, flexibility.
Things that don't work so well: bad at time management, bad at checking Slack, too much work load sometimes, readings, no course calendar, having to present every project.
Suggestions for changes: better time management, giving some "coming up soon", quicker feedback on assignment.
2. MakerFaire
We'll do the Maker project presentations in breakout rooms. You just need to demonstrate your final project, talk about your making process, and discuss a little bit of your reflections ( how experiences like this might support K-12 student learning). Each one of you will take 3-4 minutes to present and maybe 1-2 minutes for Q&A.
Breakout room 1: Lydia (Facilitator), Chloe, Megan, Caroline Herrin, Curran, Mary
Breakout room 2: Zoe (Facilitator), Hallie, Elizabeth, Maddy, Adrienne, Alyssa
Breakout room 3: Hope, Mattie, Caroline Newman
Highlights from each breakout room? Any problems or issues?
3. Critical thinking Group Discussion
Discuss in small groups the following questions and provide your responses on this Google Doc:
Compare your mind maps with each other, and agree on a definition of critical thinking.
Identify 3 reasons why it is important for students to have opportunities for critical thinking.
Think of examples about how you use critical thinking in your everyday life.
4. Data Literacy Project
You must have heard about different types of "literacy", but what is data literacy? According to the UGA Data Literacy Requirement proposal draft, "A data literate graduate of UGA is competent in the ethical use and interpretation of data, has the ability to communicate data-based insights, and understands the role of data in society." Do you see the connection with critical thinking?
Think about what data literacy means to you. In what areas of your life is this really important? What more do you need to know to consider yourself “data literate”? What do your peers need to know? You'll create a new course on Data literacy with a group of 3 students. See detailed instructions in the Project Instructions Document.
1. Due Next Tuesday, Nov 3rd, before class: Data Literacy syllabus draft due before class. We'll spend time in class to provide peer feedback. Here is the project instructions document.
2. Due Next Thursday, Nov 5th: Revised Data Literacy syllabus draft
3. Due Next Thursday, Nov 5th: Your third post of Genius Hour Project .