Before class:
- Check your grades on eLC. Talk with me if you have any questions.
- If you still have late passes, you can render one for 1 point.
Today you will have more time to work on the Video Production Project. Select one person in your group to send your video to my email by 11:59pm tonight, copying every group member.
Export your video:
As I have observed, most of you are using Powtoon to create your video. When you finish your video on it, there are many options for you to export (click on the "preview and export" button at the upper right corner of your screen).
Add captions:
The easiest way to add caption to your video might be using YouTube. First you need to upload your video to YouTube, and then you can create automatic captions from there. But it is not perfect, so you need to correct the errors. Here is a tutorial.
Publish your video on your portfolio:
Now you have the captions finished on YouTube, you can get the YouTube link and embed it to your Video Production Project page. Or you can download the completed video first and upload it to your Video Production Project page. Here is a tutorial.
Checklist for your Portfolio:
By the end of today, you should have already finished all the assignments for this course. But some of you might not have everything published on your portfolio. The portfolio itself is worth 5 points. Here is a checklist:
Home page (tells visitors what your website is about and what can be expected.)
About page (tells a little bit of who you are.) Some of you have Home and About in one page and that's ok.
UDL page: UDL scenario challenge
Meaningful Learning: Group discussion on Padlet
Tool Commercial Project: introduction to a chosen tool
Maker Project: the project itself and a reflection
Genius Hour project: 5 posts and a video presentation
Computational Thinking Project: lesson plan
Data Literacy Project: course syllabus
Video Production Project: video
Last day of class:
On Wednesday, your group will share your final video with the whole class. Each group has about 5 minutes. You will talk about how you have collaborated, what difficulties you have come crossed, how you have overcome it, and what you have learned. And then you can play your video and answer questions your classmate might have. No need to create slides.
I will bring pizza to class. Don't miss it!
1. Select one person in your group to send your video to my email by 11:59pm tonight, copying every group member.
2. Check your portfolio and publish missing elements, if any.